
Bunch O' Links: Apple TouchNetBook-thing?, Obama & Stem Cells, Lil' Fontenot, Alltop

• Rumor sites have been abuzz the past few days of an Apple Tablet/Netbook in the works for release this year. Yeah, it seems like there have been rumors of such a product for nearly the past five years, but it may be coming closer to fruition. This article (Mac Rumors), sites some sort of touchscreen order put in by Apple. I hope that such a revolutionary product comes out soon, for it would benefit a lot of people of my generation (students taking notes and having to organize numerous aspects of their lives both in digital world and with a pencil). Such a product could allow someone to organize handwritten notes, sketches, and diagrams among various elements of new digital media. It would allow people to actually enter the world on their computers beyond using a mouse, but to truly interact. We can only wait for now, until Apple one day decides to blow us all away with some revolutionary technology we'd never have dreamed of.

On to politics: President Obama on Monday signed an Executive Order (link) that will reverse the ban on
embryonic stem cell research that restricted it to only 60 lines of previously existing stem cells. As a result of this being brought to the forefront of the news by the President's actions, hopefully scientists will continue to further their research of stem cells as a possible portal to curing so many diseases. Stem cells could help treat and cure so many ailments, such as regrowing heart tissue damaged by heart attacks, finding a cure for Parkinson's disease, and possibly even helping the paralyzed walk again.

Lou Piniella and the the Cubs roll on in Spring Training from the Valley of the Sun. One of the positions where there appears to be a battle for playing time is second base, where Mike Fontenot and Aaron Miles are competing. After hitting his second long-ball of the spring, Lou had this to say per the Chicago Tribune:

❝ "I'll tell you what, the little kid at second base, he's after a job isn't he?" manager Lou Piniella say. Both Fontenot and Miles are listed at 5 feet 8 inches, but it was obvious after Fontenot's second home run that he was the one Piniella was
referring to as "the little kid." "What'd he have to say that for?" Fontenot said in mock protest. ❞

And finally, I've been addicted to Twitter lately (who isn't?) and was brought to the attention of probably one of the coolest websites I've seen lately. Don't you wish that all the news, from all of the relevant websites, from just about any topic was all aggregated in one, easy to read, awesome-ly laid out website. Well, check out Alltop.com. It's amazing....seriously....click the link.... Below, I've also linked some of the best pages from Alltop.

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